Peds – Appy rule out


*** is a ***y/o child who presents with abdominal pain, vomiting, anorexia, concerning for appendicitis. Differential includes gastritis or early gastroenteritis, although history suggests appy is at least equally likely. Intussusception, Meckel’s also a possibility but would be atypical given patient age. Similarly volvulus or malrotation unlikely given otherwise well-appearing patient without peritonitic/rigid abdomen. Unlikely to represent UTI given no dysuria, no suprapubic tenderness. Would be an atypical presentation of pneumonia and patient is normoxemic without dyspnea or cough. Low index of suspicion for ***gynececological etiologies such as torsion, TOA, or ectopic given *** OR ***testicular torsion, orchitis/epididymitis given ***.

Plan: ***