DC Inst – UTI


You have been evaluated in the Emergency Department today for your urinary symptoms. Your evaluation, including urinalysis, suggests that your symptoms are due to a urinary tract infection. Please take your prescribed antibiotics for the full course of the medication as directed.

Please follow up with your primary care physician within two days.

Return to the Emergency Department if you experience fevers 100.4° or greater, worsening or uncontrolled pain, vomiting, flank pain, or for any other concerning symptoms.

Thank you for choosing us for your care.

DC Inst – STI


You have been evaluated in the Emergency Department today for your ***. You were tested today for gonorrhea and chlamydia and the results are still pending; you have been given treatment for these infections presumptively anyway. You will receive a phone call in~3 days if the results are positive. You should follow up with your primary care provider for further STI testing.

***Please take your prescribed antibiotics for the full course of the medication as directed.

Please follow up with your primary care physician within two days.

Return to the Emergency Department if you experience fevers 100.4° or greater, worsening or uncontrolled pain, rashes, sores, vomiting, or for any other concerning symptoms.

Thank you for choosing us for your care.

DC Inst: Animal Bite


You have been evaluated in the Emergency Department today for an animal bite. Please keep the area surrounding the wounds clean and dry and watch closely for signs of infection.

***Please take the antibiotics prescribed to you in full, as directed.

Please follow up with your primary care physician within two days.

Return to the Emergency Department if you experience worsening or uncontrolled pain, spreading redness, fevers 100.4° or greater, pus from your bite, or for any other concerning symptoms.

Thank you for choosing us for your care.