DC Inst – Fracture Generic


You have been evaluated in the Emergency Department today for *** pain. Your evaluation showed a fracture of your ***. We have placed your *** in a splint today, avoid getting the splint wet.

Please rest, ice, and elevate your *** to help it heal. ***We have provided crutches for you to use at home while your *** heals.

We recommend you take 600mg ibuprofen every 6 hours or tylenol 650mg every 6 hours as needed for pain. If needed, you can alternate these medications so that you take one medication every 3 hours. For instance, at noon take ibuprofen, then at 3pm take tylenol, then at 6pm take ibuprofen. *** Please take your prescribed norco as directed as necessary for breakthrough pain. Do not drive or take medications containing tylenol while taking norco.

Please follow-up with an orthopedic surgeon in 1 week.

Return to the Emergency Department if you experience worsening pain, numbness, tingling, change of color in your ***, or any other concerning symptoms.

Thank you for choosing us for your care.

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